02-08-2024, 05:43 PM
Today, and for the past few years, one of my big pet peeves has been the fragmentation of entertainment distribution.
Over the air TV, cable and satellite TV, free streaming, paid streaming, physical media, theatrical, the availability gap - and the worst offender of all, anytime you need to search for and pay for multiple platforms to access the entirety of any one thing.
There is more "content" than ever, but the 'communal experience' has been scarified on the alter of progress.
Over the air TV, cable and satellite TV, free streaming, paid streaming, physical media, theatrical, the availability gap - and the worst offender of all, anytime you need to search for and pay for multiple platforms to access the entirety of any one thing.
There is more "content" than ever, but the 'communal experience' has been scarified on the alter of progress.