I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it's quite hit the heights of Andor or the first two series of The Mandalorian.
Incidentally, I'm rewatching the Madalorian with my son. Will probably have to rewatch Ahsoka with him soon after, our Disney trip has properly rekindled his inner Star Wars.
Overall, much of Ashoka felt under-cooked to me, in contrast to Andor in which things were often understated and all the more powerful for its subtleties. It comes down mostly to writing.
I think they're a little bit complacent to be honest, relying on the fact that there was enough Rebels and Clone Wars fans who were desperate to see their cartoon heroes in live action that they didn't need to go too risky on the storyline. With Mandalorian and Andor, I think they took risks and they landed really well. Ahsoka feels a bit safe for me so after 6 episodes it feels as though it's falling into the good not great bucket for me.
I think they've kinda gone overkill on character numbers with one. The Rebels reunion had to happen, so we were always going to be going heavy on the good guys, but did it really need Elspeth, Baylan, Shin Hati, Thrawn and Captain Enoch? Oh, and Marrok. I figured they overloaded on bad guys because we were going to see a few deaths throughout the season but with one episode to go only one, and a very minor one, has snuffed it.
The first season is about preventing Thrawn from returning. In the process they fail to stop him and end up stranded where they worked so hard to try and get. How would season 2 even begin? Ideally they would spend an entire season having adventures in the new galaxy. But I suspect that they'll be there for 5 minutes when a space whale flies by and gives them a ride, easily, back to the galaxy far, far away. Or, I suppose if they don't do a season 2 they could leave them stranded until Filoni's movie begins and stage an escape / rescue early on in that. Either way seems kinda of cheap.
I almost hope they try something brave and keep them on the planet for a few episodes, maybe having to deal with some existential threat to the natives due to something left behind by the witches and/or Thrawn. Something a little bit brave and different, like they did with Andor.
In reality though, I think you're right, they'll give us what they think the masses want and reunite the Rebels.
As I haven't watched Rebels seasons 3 & 4, I am left wondering about Zeb. I kinda worked out what Kanan's fate is from Ahsoka, but Zeb was barely even mentioned. I'll try and binge through Rebels seasons 3 and 4 before I rewatch Ahsoka with my son. However, we need to get through Mandalorian first and we're about two episodes from the end of season one.