09-14-2023, 01:07 PM
Only me

09-14-2023, 01:07 PM
Only me
09-14-2023, 03:48 PM
Who's Online
1 user active in the past 15 minutes (1 member, 0 of whom are invisible, and 0 guests). Danster
09-14-2023, 03:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2023, 04:09 PM by General Ceel.)
...and me too!
also, I did invite Bane Nathos. But that's the extent of my contacts with former members, so I'll leave that for you to sort out.
09-14-2023, 04:10 PM
I'm not alone!!!
09-14-2023, 04:14 PM
Whenever a new TGC message board gets launched I'm reminded of the very first moments of the original TGC in 1999. General Ceel is standing in an empty universe, as if at the dawn of creation, waiting for time to begin moving forward. Then suddenly a few faint voices break the silence...
09-14-2023, 04:16 PM
Who's Online
6 users active in the past 15 minutes (2 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 4 guests). Danster, General Ceel
09-14-2023, 04:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2023, 05:05 PM by General Ceel.)
2 users active in the past 15 minutes (2 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 0 guests).
Danster, General Ceel 3 users active in the past 15 minutes (2 members, 0 of whom are invisible, and 1 guest). Danster, General Ceel
09-14-2023, 09:15 PM
Just me, alone while Danster sleeps and until we manage to get in contact with a few decent folk from the olden days!
09-15-2023, 08:48 AM
Just me, while Ceel sleeps!
Good old time zones.
09-15-2023, 09:36 AM
I'm up, I'm up....
1 user active in the past 15 minutes (1 member, 0 of whom are invisible, and 0 guests). General Ceel |